for Fitness Instructor, Nutrition Consultant and Baila Studio Owner, Lesley Levinski
Lesley has had a passion for movement and music all of her life. She participated in sports and recreational activities offered at the school, took piano lessons, jazz, & tap dancing classes all at an early age.
Create brand awareness through a professional online presence
Improve and organize communication to clients through marketing tools via website, newsletters, emails, social media etc...
Create an online membership system that would support sign ups, renewals, and payments options.
Develop and create digital products for passive income streams
I can’t thank you enough for helping me launch my brand, and more importantly, how much you ‘get me’, Ash. It’s always so energizing and so much fun when we have our work meetings - actually doesn’t feel like work at all with the passion you bring to the table! Your fresh ideas help keep things current, are so appreciated, and let me focus on my own passion - and that is keeping people healthy and moving!