This is where we help you get your marketing plan aligned with your big picture business goals, so you get the most traction out of your website.
We start with a questionnaire to get clear on your company goals, current audience, potential customer base, and what sets you apart. We’ll also discuss what you’ve tried to date, so we can identify what’s working and what’s not.
This is where we strategize and prepare a plan of action for your marketing. We do a full website, content, and social media audit to collect current data, so we have the metrics we need to measure ongoing progress and tweak as we go.
We’ll answer your key questions: What kind of content should you post? How often? On which platforms? Which metrics do you need to track? We’ll build your master marketing plan around your goals, customer segments, seasonal campaigns, and special promos.
Your business is unlike any other. If you want to market smarter, not harder—you need to make decisions based on data. That’s why this isn’t some wham-bam marketing plan. I’ll be here to troubleshoot as you implement it, make necessary tweaks, and get clear on your next steps.
You can’t do marketing and see any results from it without a strategy in place.
Use this worksheet to bring more clarity to your business! Let this be your first step before you tackle your ideal customer profile and buyer persona.
and bring much-needed clarity to your business.